Saturday, October 20, 2007



The rural economy that supports most Nigerians is based on the
productivity of the land, 33 percent of which is cultivated. Soil fertility
varies considerably but is generally poor. The most fertile of the soils
are the result of alluvial deposition in river valleys. Many, however,
are overused and eroded. Trees, which help prevent erosion, are often
used for fuel, lumber, material for tools, fodder for animals, and herbal
medicines. As a result, the landscape is becoming increasingly barren
of trees, especially in densely populated areas and near larger cities.

Petroleum and natural gas, the source of most of Nigeria’s export
earnings, are concentrated in large amounts in the Niger Delta and just
offshore. Smaller deposits are scattered elsewhere in the coastal region.
Iron ore, generally of low grade, is widespread. Lignite (brown coal)
and subbituminous coal (coal of a lower grade than bituminous but of a
higher grade than lignite) can be found in southeastern Nigeria. Other
mineral resources include tin and columbite in the Jos Plateau, and
limestone in several areas, particularly in the valleys of the Niger, Benue,
and Sokoto rivers. The petroleum and natural gas industries—with their
oil spills, burnoff of natural gas, and clearance of vegetation—have
seriously damaged the land, vegetation, and waterways in the niger

Custom, then, is the great guide of human life,” wrote Scottish
philosopher David Hume. Knowing the customs of a country is, in effect, a
guide to understanding the soul of that country and its people. The
following Sidebar is intended to provide a glimpse into the unique world of
this nation’s customs: how people marry, how families celebrate holidays
and other occasions, what people eat, and how they socialize and have

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